A Nigerian artist simply identified as Caezar, bitterly took to Instagram to share the ordeal he allegedly had in the hands of some policemen at Iwo road, Ibadan. According to him, they asked for his phone, he gave them, after some checking, the asked him to follow them to the station without giving him a reason to.
Here’s what he wrote;
‘Our policemen are animals, yes they are! Maybe I will apologize for this statement one day but tonight, I am completely unapologetic. These shameless criminals with ridiculous black uniforms destroyed the little faith I had left in this country.
They stopped me today at Iwo road, Ibadan. They asked to check my phone and I allowed them even though they had no right whatsoever to do so. After minutes of looking through the phone and finding nothing incriminating, they asked me to follow them to their station…
Why?! On what grounds?! Am I under arrest?! If yes, for what?! One of them even removed my face cap and dragged my shirt.
Smh… Those bastards will not live long, somebody say Amen!
Of course I refused to follow them, so there was an hullabaloo at the scene and they refused to return my phone.It’s very sad that these ANIMALS are too shallow minded to believe that some of us are not fraudsters, that some of us actually work very hard to make the stipends they try to steal from us.
The Nigerian Police Force may have some good people but there are just too many uneducated and unfortunate bastards in the system.
The police is absolutely not your friend!
Please check my bio for my new number. God bless.
And he posted this few hours later!
‘I woke up this morning to read all the comments on my last post and those sent to my DM… HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS. Are we not tired of the ordeals these illiterates have put us through?! Consider the many innocent people who must have met their ends at the hands of these monsters in ugly uniforms.
It’s the 21st century, not every revolution has to be televised at first, our smartphones can make a little difference and in a country as confused as ours, it’s all we can really hope for. The police stole my smartphone, you still got yours!
History will ask us what we did in the face of oppression, our children will struggle to understand how someone who probably didn’t finish primary school got a gun and a uniform to make our lives hell. Questions that will haunt us forever!
So let’s do whatever we can to ensure that our children may be able to run to a policeman for help and not avoid them for safety. Let’s rid our society of these shameless thugs.
Repost my story or write yours, post it, tag the necessary authorities, tag me so that I can repost. Let’s all champion this cause, be your own hero, save you!
God bless.’
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