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This married couple have never lived under the same roof since they got married for 16 years now

This married couple are far from conventional having never lived under the same roof in the 16 years they’ve been together.
Claire, 49, and David Burke, 43, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, say their unusual living arrangements make their relationship stronger than ever – and can count on one hand the number of times they’ve spent the whole night together.

Claire worked in admin for the West Yorkshire Fire Service when she met her future husband, David, who was training to become a firefighter.


Claire has been married twice before, but says she now loves the freedom living on her own gives her, and David, having met his ex-wife at 17, had never experienced the single life.

The couple have never shared a bank account, keeping finances strictly separate, and claim it causes fewer arguments in their relationship.

Claire and David have still remained in separate homes despite having their son, Jay, seven years ago, who was born with Down’s Syndrome and enjoys spending time with both parents in both houses.

Despite living separately the couple has no regrets and think it could be the key to a successful marriage.




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