A Muslim Twitter user took to the platform to share a tweet in Hausa which has been considered bigoted. The tweet was shared in Hausa but was translated by another user to English.According to the translation, her tweet reads:For those who don't speak Hausa, here is what she said: "Islamic school is important, people. No matter how bad a Muslim is, it is better that he is your leader rather than an infidel." Bigotry in action.She was praised by some for her point of view and they told her that God will reward her for speaking the truth even though men may persecute her. But others called her out. However, she stuck to her opinion and said so in a tweet.She told a Twitter user who tried to correct her:Lol ask a Muslim scholar about my statement , they ain’t my sayings. I read and ask questions before I post. Come up with facts then we can talk abt it. If not stay out of my mentions.See screenshots below. The post Outrage on Twitter as Muslim lady says it's better a "bad Muslim leads rather than an infidel" appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.
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» Outrage on Twitter as Muslim lady says it's better a "bad Muslim leads rather than an infidel"
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