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Premature cuming and peanut instrument almost destroyed my marriage till this ancient mysterious remedy saved & appointed me minister of bedroom affairs

This is a sponsored post...My premature small sized husband didn’t satisfy me for years...i cried so many nights & almost left him till we ran into this miraculous saviourMy name is Sandra, a 34 year old businesswoman based in Lagos.I met Tony, My prince in Shining armour(Or is it Agbada?) almost a decade ago.He was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen that Wonderful Sunday afternoon at Lekki beach. CLICK HERE FOR SOLUTION It was a friend's beach Party and we got talking. He virtually made me drool back then. Two years later he proposed at the same location after a romantic dinner at Jeviniks. The Setting was so right. The candles, flowers, chocolates and later in the Evening...the palm trees, His dreamy eyes as sexy as hell, Muscles bulging underneath his T shirt.... SEE SOLUTION HERE The Celebrity wedding was sponsored by my Uncle who is one of the leading Political figures in the State, Was carried in Ovation magazine and had the Creme de la Creme of Lagos and Beyond in Attendance. Oh and the honeymoon at Dubai was like a fairytale! from a Movie.... We settled down to married life but on our wedding Night I noticed he was reluctant to get down with me. I couldn’t wait for him to make love to me because we had waited so long. He had always been reluctant to touch me when we were courting saying he didn’t want us to commit fornication against God. Little did I know He was hiding his gross incompetence in Bed from me. So on that fateful Wedding Night, I was so full of anticipation only for him to remove his boxers for me to see his ridiculous Peanut Sized Penis HE HAD A PEANUT SIZED PENIS To Say I was so disappointed and embarrassed was more than an understatement. It got worse later that night as He couldn’t even stand at attention to worship my gorgeously endowed sexy absolutely breathtaking body HIS PEANUT COULDN’T EVEN STAND AT ATTENTIONIT STAYED AT EASE CLICK HERE TO SEE IT I was quite surprised cos He was quite muscular and too big to have a dick that small Please can I advice all the ladies reading Please Try and see the Size of The man you want to marryEven if you are the religious type like me And you don’t want to have Sex before marriage PLEASE BY ANY MEANS NECESSARYTRY TO SEE HIS DICK After all, It will be Yours for life so You got to know what you’re getting intoMy former boyfriends when I hadn’t repented had Huge, Long, Hard, monster dicks that made me Scream. I IMMEDIATELY LONGED FOR A LONG HARD HUGE DICK My Newly married Husband eventually got an erection after minutes of endless Stimulation but it was a weak oneHe just managed to enter BUT GUESS WHAT? HE RELEASED AFTER 5 SECONDS FIVE WHOLE NONESENSE SECONDS What the HELL had I gotten into?Days turned to months and months to years My people, Konji nearly kill meHe continued to release after few secondsWith his Tiny dick One day I was Shopping at The Palms And surprisingly ran into Tunde.Tunde was my Ex- boyfriend from way back when we were in School. We made love back then( years ago) uncountable number of times And Somehow I still hadn’t gotten over him. CLICK HERE The day He broke up with me years ago was actually the worse day of my life Wow Sandra! What a pleasant surprise to see you here, He exclaimed ,Smiling mischievously, looking As handsome as ever Great to see you again, I repliedSmiling right back and secretly checking him out I came for some shopping, I repliedOh really, How are your husband and kids? He asked looking concerned No kids yetOga nko? , He continued to probe I started frowning, He’s ok I repliedMeaning to say Leave that foolish man O jare LEAVE THAT FOOLISH MAN O JARE I almost replied My whole body was shaking from massive sexual starvation We hung out a few times over the next few weeks Each time we gisted to catch up on old timesI began to long secretly for his huge, long , hard dickI knew it wouldn’t have changed over the years Would you blame me?When my disgrace of a HusbandCouldn’t even worship my body for even a minuteTalk less of Pounding me to Sexual Submission But Those daysMichael rocked me for nearly 45 minutesWhich Crescendoed to my moaning his nameFollowed by my Screaming like ThunderMike oooo Mike eeee Mike Ahhhh What I would give, just to have one hour with that mighty Dick. I couldn’t believe I was contemplating adultery And InfidelityJust because my Oga couldn’t get me to the TopOr satisfy my Crazy terrible Sexual urges I ALMOST CHEATED ON MY HUSBAND Michael invited me to his ApartmentHow bout your Wife And Children?I asked confusedOh They travelled for a week, He answered
casually Michael you know we both are married, I began I know but I still love you.I never stopped loving you, Michael replied with a dreamy look in his eyes I knew if we continued this way, We would make love. Undoubtedly He tried to kiss me in the restaurant that dayI moved my face away before He sparked the fireNot because I didn’t want to kiss him  SEE WHAT SAVED ME HERE I struggled with my desire for his big fat dick Because if his lips had met mineI would have been a goner.Head over heelsI kept away from Micheal after that dayThat day I almost fell for his Charms I decided to be faithful to my husbandWasn’t easyI and my hubby concentrated on finding a Solution. He tried all sorts PumpsCreams, Pills, supplements, Viagra NOTHING , NO SHOW Indeed his fast shooting, weak erection and shameful dick got worseWe started getting worried when we were growing apartNo romance and kids hadn't shown up yet.... If Money could grow a big dick, we would have gotten a mighty one since As I and Tony were doing well in our various businesses.His real estate and Importation companies and my several Shops were raking in Several figures. CLICK HERE At Reddington and National hospitals, we did all manner of Scans and tests, Sperm count, LH and Progesterone levels You name it!! We were certified ok. We travelled to the best hospitals in New York and Boston3 years later when we weren't satisfied with the Nigerian doctors. And were certified fit too after undergoing a barrage of tests. We took drugs, concoctions that didn't work and I Cried so many nights. I later resigned to fate seeking solace in Prayer houses and Churches.We never missed a Vigil. After 7 Years of endless tears and Sorrow.....With no Hard dick and no kids, God led my husband to this 100% Natural Miraculous Solution that slowly grew his dick and made it long and hard after a month. He began to last longer. IT WAS UNBELIEVABLE!!I WAS STUNNED!! I was so surprised just after few days of taking the Miracle herbs. I HAD NEVER ENJOYED MY HUSBAND BEFORE NOW BUT AFTER TAKING THIS SUPER SOLUTION I STARTED MOANING AFTER 30 MINSAND SCREAMING HIS NAME ON THE 2ND WEEK AS HE POUNDED ME LONG AND HARD IT WAS A DREAM COME TRUE My Husband thanked me for being so Supportive all these years Little did he know I almost cheated and left him Thank God I didn’t budge My Pregnancy was the final icing on the Cake.On the 15th of October 2017,I gave birth to my Angels.We don't want other Couples to go through thesame Pains and Anguish we did. Hence we want you to smile too CLICK HERE TO SEE IT  Our doctors gave my husband a list of foods that can help improve and sustain his bedroom performanceAnd we would like to share this list with you  WHAT FOODS CAN I EAT TO IMPROVE MY PERFORMANCE?WATERLEMON BANANAS EGGSAVOCADO PEAR CUCUMBERS CARROTSONIONS GARLIC CHILI PEPPERAPPLE OATS TUNA FISHSPINACH DARK CHOCOLATE   WHAT ELSE CAN I DO TO HAMMER WELL WELL IN BEDROOM?Reduce Or Avoid SmokingReduce Or Avoid AlcoholTreat Any Uncontrolled Infection, Diabetes or HypertensionDon't stay in one position too long during KukereChange Positions frequentlyTry to Hold Your Urine for 5-10 secs while Urinating to Exercise Your Abdominal MusclesLet Madam squeeze your Organ when you feel like spilling Your YoghurtPleasure Yourself 30 mins To One Hour Before ActionPlay With Your wife ,Mr Man for A while Before sex( Foreplay). Don’t always Rush To enter the promise LandTake Potent Herbal Solutions Like The One I did That changed My Story What Could be the Cause of My fast Shooting, Weak Erection And Small Dick?Stress And TirednessAnxietyGuiltPsychologic Or Idiopathic( No cause)Diseases like Hypertension, DiabetesSexually Transmitted Infections SEE SOLUTION HEREThe post Premature cuming and peanut instrument almost destroyed my marriage till this ancient mysterious remedy saved & appointed me minister of bedroom affairs appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.

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