for all walks of life. Night soil men can lounge in the day. Maigaurds can afford to sleep in the afternoon because when darkness falls, DUTY calls. An artiste comes alive at weekends. That’s why it is usually insensitive when old school associations and kparakpor groups fix meetings at weekends and expect everyone to attend because they believe work ends at COB on Friday and resumes on Monday. Thus making them believe anyone who did not attend the meetings is refusing to be seen with them. How would they feel if I fix an association meeting at 10am on a Monday or Wednesday Morning? This issue of occupational selfishness has become a major issue in relationships too. Ladies be dating a 9 To 5 guy and break it up. Then starts dating an artiste. She will say “we don’t spend time together”. You must be joking. You should actually pray you don’t see him at weekends!! How would you feel if he says he doesn’t see much of you Mondays to Fridays? To go to movies and clubs. To each it’s kind. The bible says don’t be unevenly yolked. Understanding lo matter. Know what the person you want does before saying yes. Don’t come and be doing autocorrect in people’s career.”
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