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Child rescued after being kidnapped in Benue and sold in Abia for N500K

A missing child has been found and rescued following a full-scale investigation.2-year-old Bemdoo Ajekwe was kidnapped on October 10, 2018, at North Bank, Makurdi, in Benue state.The investigation led to the arrest of suspects Joy Onyeabor, 32, and Lucy Doosur, 29. Both reportedly confessed that the child was with his older brother, who is about 7 years old, when they lured the older child with the sum of N50, asking him to help them buy bread across the road, leaving the younger child in their care.As the older brother went on the errand, they escaped with the younger child and took him several states away to Abia. They stated that the child was sold to one Unwa Chibueze and Elizabeth whose surname is unknown at the cost of Five Hundred Thousand Naira.  Further investigation led to the arrest of other members of the syndicate namely; Sunday Udoh, 26, and Friday
Orinya, 33, all of North Bank, Makurdi who actively participated in the crime.Police extended the investigation to Abia state and recovered the child on October 23, 2018. He was then reunited with his family while investigation continues with a view to arresting other fleeing members of the syndicate.The post Child rescued after being kidnapped in Benue and sold in Abia for N500K appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.

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