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''Are social media influencers contributing to high rate of depression?' Instagram users debate following viral video of a spoken word artist ''criticizing'' influencers

There is an ongoing debate on social mediaover the impact most social media influencers are making on their followers and how it is seemingly contributing to the high rate of depression.The debate started after popular spoken word artist, Prince E.A, at a public function, examined how many people are now being influenced by the post some social media influencers are posting online. In his opinion, some people are now allowing the images people create online dictate and determine their happiness.Many people have shared this video, applauding him for his comment. However, some social media users are of the opinion that it is only people who arenot content with what they have that would allow people's posts on social media lead them into depression or force them to live a lifestyle they can't afford.What is your take on this? Watch the video of Prince E.A speaking and the comments people have made below
style="height:615px; width:500px">Video of the motivational speaker speaking belowView this post on InstagramA post shared by LIB - Linda Ikeji Blog (@lindaikejiblog) on Oct 18, 2018 at 6:22am PDTThe post ''Are social media influencers contributing to high rate of depression?' Instagram users debate following viral video of a spoken word artist ''criticizing'' influencers appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.

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