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Usain Bolt to part ways with Central Coast Mariners after he 'demanded a $3 million contract and was offered $150k '

 Usain Bolt to part ways with Central Coast Mariners after he 'demanded a $3 million contract and was offered $150k 'According to reports in Australia, Usain Bolt has rejected a contract offer from Central Coast Mariners, where he is having his football trial.Fox Sports’ Daniel Garb said he expected Bolt’s trial at Gosford to come to an end “pretty quickly”, with Bolt and the club set to part ways at the end of his trial“It looks like the Usain Bolt trial is set to end pretty quickly. I think it’s run its race — pardon the pun,” Garb said on Fox Sports News on Monday night.“The deal that’s been offered is set to be rejected, we understand, and that’s the latest news doing the rounds at the moment that Usain Bolt — it could be revealed overnight, probably tomorrow, it’s all set to end — his role at Gosford, and the Central Coast Mariners, and onwards the club moves and onwards Usain Bolt moves.“But it won’t be together, that’s the understanding.”It was claimed that the
Jamiacan wanted a $3 million contract from the Central Coast Mariners but they offered him $150k which he rejected.The news comes just days after the eight-time Olympic gold medalist and world's fastest man landed the contract offer following his impressive performance for the club. The post Usain Bolt to part ways with Central Coast Mariners after he 'demanded a $3 million contract and was offered $150k ' appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.

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