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Just In: Islamic Gang Storm Nud!st Pool Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’…Find Out What Happened Next

Some Gang of Muslims extremist have reportedly storm a nudist pool in Germany yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ and threatening to exterminate women for being sluts.
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Six-member gang of Muslim men in their 20s with beards reportedly stormed a German swimming pool yelling‘Allahu Akbar’ and told the nudists that they would be 
font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; word-wrap: break-word;">‘exterminated’ as they spat at the women including children because they were swimming in the n*de and called all the females ‘sluts’.
According to a report on Dailymail UK, the revelers were at a pool in the town of Geldern in the North Rhine-Westphalia region, known for its preference for natural form of swimming, and according to witnesses, the muslim men referred to the bathers as ‘infidels’. 

A local mother who is one of the nudists said: ‘They said we [German] women are all sluts and they would exterminate all of us’, adding that the aggression made her ‘really afraid’, and that the Muslim gang were fluent in German, but also threatened people in Arabic.
Lisa-Marie Theunissen, who is a staff member at the pool, disclosed that she asked the men to be quiet after her customers had complained.It is understood the men then went to a water skiing facility where they abused more civilians and staff before they were chased out by one of the workers.

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