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ESPIKILEKWE! Church Members Storm Mortuaries To Resurrect The Dead.....And This Happened! (PHOTO)

A mild drama occurred at a health facility after members of the Temple of God Church stormed the facility’s mortuary with the aim of resurrecting
the dead. The Kenyan hospital, Webuye county hospital on Saturday was shocked to receive the team who claimed they had been moving from one hospital to another and had been sent by the Holy spirit to pray for the sick, heal them and resurrect the dead.

According to the five members led by a man who called himself prophet Daniel Wechuli the team had held several healing prayers for people with disabilities and have recorded positive results and healings.

The team of five comprising of two men and three women said: “We have been moving to various hospitals praying for the sick and most of then have been healed by faith.” The leader of the team further revealed that the Holy Spirit had given him the mandate to resurrect those who died prematurely.
He added: “We are divine people who are anointed by the holy spirit to move to hospitals preaching and healing the sick without asking for any penny.
“We want to show people the power of God in their lives through our church that has been healing and restoring lives to God.” Speaking on how far the team has come in delivering its mandate, another member of the team said: “We have been to Malava hospital where we prayed and all the sick were healed and left the ward.”

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